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英语作文 My Little Piggy(我的小猪)

更新日期:2023-06-09 14:37:45


英语作文 My Little Piggy(我的小猪)

One day, my piggy went outside when I was playing video games. My piggy found many carrots out of my friend’s home. My piggy was eating the carrots, and then a little rock hit my head. Ouch! When my piggy ran back, I was lying on the ground. Next day, when I woke up, my piggy and I went back to the farm.

I am missing my piggy very much after he went back to the farm, because he was my favorite pet. I was dreaming my piggy played with me every day when I slept yesterday. Next day, I am going to the farm and bring back my piggy. When I get to the farm, the farmer asks me: what are you doing here? Bring my piggy back I answer.

Why? the farmer says.

Because he is my favorite pet.

Never the farmer says angrily.

OK. I will give you money, then you give my piggy to me.

Finally, I bring my piggy back. And I will not give my piggy to anyone.

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